FIRST, we learned this:

NYT Tweet - Santos Admitted to lying about his credentials

THEN, Robert made this happen:

Robert Announces his Resolution to expel Santos from the House

NEXT, this news came out:

AP Tweet: Santos is arrested on 13 counts of wire fraud, money laundering, and lying to Congress

NOW, we need this action:

Robert Garcia Tweet: Robert responds to is arrest by telling McCarthy to move his resolution to expel Santos forward.

Robert has been at the forefront of fighting for accountability for George Santos and it’s time Congress act and expel him from the House. Our country can no longer be plagued by a congressman who was elected on the basis of fabrication and fraud, and one that has broken the law time and time again.

Allowing George Santos to continue serving will set a dangerous precedent that other candidates can fabricate their qualifications to voters without fear of punishment. That is a danger to our democratic process.

If you agree, please add your name in support of Robert's official resolution to expel George Santos from Congress. We need Congress to ACT.


- Team Robert Garcia

Paid for by Robert Garcia for Congress

Robert Garcia for Congress
65 Pine Ave
Long Beach, CA 90802
United States

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