Hi everyone, Tara Healey here.

Hi everyone, Tara Healey here. 

At Team Healey, we’ve always been big on honesty, so I want to do something a little unconventional:

Let’s talk about emails.

After the election, we got together to talk about the future of Team Healey — the work we’d do going forward, how we were going to help Maura deliver on her bold agenda for Massachusetts, and finally, the topic of this email:

What does the rest of Team Healey want to hear from us?

If your inbox looks anything like mine, you probably get a lot of emails from candidates and causes. 98% of them are probably fundraising emails (ok, maybe a slight exaggeration, but still). A lot of the time, they basically look the same before the election as they do after the election.

We get it. The work doesn’t end after the election. When you run on a bold agenda, you need to deliver, and we plan to step up and support Maura every step of the way. 

But although conventional wisdom is to prioritize sending a ton of fundraising emails, we think it’s worth spending time to keep you in loop about the most crucial and pressing issues Maura’s working on — the things we know you want to hear about.

That doesn’t mean we’ll never send out fundraising emails! Maura has a lot to get done, and we have goals that we need to hit to keep supporting her work.

But my thinking is that if you chip in, I’d rather you do it because you want to invest in the work we’re doing to build a stronger future for Massachusetts, not because we tried to make it seem like the sky was falling every few days. 

So, here’s a list of the things you can expect to hear from us:

 -Updates on Maura’s Work: From time to time, we’ll send out highlights explaining some of the most crucial work she has been doing. 

-Notes From Members of Our Team or Maura: Sometimes we’ll send out an email explaining why we think action on a specific issue is so important. For example, last month Maura wanted to send out an email explaining the action she was taking to protect access to Mifepristone and outline why it’s important to protect reproductive freedom.

-How You Can Help: This might look like asking for help to amplify important legislation on social media, hit a fundraising goal to make sure we get out the word about Maura’s agenda, or invites to Team Healey events in your area.

-Community Outreach: From time to time we may let you know about important causes in your area, like a great candidate in your community who needs an extra hand to make some phone calls.

As always, you have our word — we won’t sell your information or spam you, and we’ll always keep it real. We also want to hear your feedback, so if there’s anything else you want to hear from us, let us know. 

Maura is hitting the ground running. Whether it’s protecting crucial rights, building a clean energy economy that leads the world, taking on the affordability crisis, or investing in education, she’s working to deliver for our state. Together, Team Healey is going to stand with her every step of the way.

Thank you for your support. Let’s build a stronger Massachusetts.

-Tara Healey