John: Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is joining our Get Out The Vote Rally with Senator Bernie Sanders! RSVP now to see Bernie, AOC, and Helen at Franklin Music Hall this Sunday →

Get Out The Vote Rally with Helen Gym, Bernie Sanders, and AOC on Sunday, May 14, at Franklin Music Hall. Doors open at 4 PM. RSVP below to attend for free.

Or donate to support our efforts →

Helen has the boldest, most exciting vision of any candidate in this race, and she has built the strongest, most passionate movement of Philadelphians. On Sunday, Bernie and AOC will join her to lay out what’s at stake in this race and how we can bring real change to our city.

This rally is going to be an unforgettable moment of joy, of unity, and of fellowship with our fellow Philadelphians. We’re all in this fight together, so we hope you’ll join us there, John!

RSVP to join the rally for free:

Hoping to see you on Sunday,
Team Helen

P.S. A really big rally requires a really big investment. We need to secure a venue, print thousands of signs and rally gear, and spread the word citywide in just a few days. Please chip in to ensure our rally is seen and attended by as many Philadelphians as we can reach.