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“Freedom isn’t Free.”

It’s an adage every American grows up hearing, and one we learn the weight of as we get older. When we think about those who defend our freedoms, typically, we think of our nation’s brave servicemen and servicewomen fighting overseas to protect the American way of life. These heroes are fighting against oppressive regimes and bad foreign actors who threaten the democracy our Founding Fathers fought so hard to establish.
But recently, we’ve seen an uprising of threats to American freedoms and liberties right here at home.
Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Assembly, the Right to Bear Arms, the Right to Life, and the Right to Privacy have all been attacked by radical liberal activists, leaders, and attorneys over the last few years. Across all levels and branches of government, public officials are taking steps to restrict Constitutional protections. Even on a micro level, in our schools and in our communities, we’re seeing personal liberties threatened.
A few recent examples of such actions come to mind:

  • In February, President Biden proposed ending a policy that provides extra protections for the rights of religious student groups.
  • Extreme anti-gun laws are making their way through progressive state governments such as Vermont, Oregon, and Michigan.
  • Facebook and continue to suppress and censor conservative content and users.
  • Progressive states such as New Jersey, Oregon, Colorado, New Mexico, and Vermont have no restrictions on abortion access.

The list goes on and on. And just as our nation’s servicemembers fight to protect our freedoms abroad, I’m committed to protecting our freedoms and liberties here in Mississippi. As Desoto County District Attorney, I will fight day in and day out to ensure our Constitutional rights were upheld and fortified. While liberal, radical attorneys and officials across the country may be working to strip Americans of their personal liberties, I will always work against their intentions and defend the freedoms granted to us from God.
Freedom isn’t free and it must be protected.

As district attorney, I cannot solve all these problems alone. It falls on conservative leaders at EVERY level of local government to collectively band together to combat the onslaught of radical left policies and practices that threaten our way of life. But I promise to do my part by using every tool at my disposal to protect, fight, and defend our collective liberties.


Matthew Barton
Sent from my iPhone

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