Defending Your Rights and Freedoms

NEW | WILL Takes Legal Action Against FBI for Concealing the Manifesto of Nashville Shooter

Last Tuesday, WILL announced the filing of new case against the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for withholding Nashville shooter Audrey Hale’s manifesto, despite filing a request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

WILL represents the nationwide conservative news network, The Star News Network and its Editor-in-Chief, Michael Patrick Leahy, and National Political Editor, Matt Kittle. The Star News Network is owned by Star News Digital Media, Inc., with headquarters in Nashville. The network’s reporters are investigating the motivation of the shooter and the FBI’s refusal to disclose important information. FBI’s stonewalling is a clear violation of law and inhibits the critical role the free press plays in our democratic society. 


🗯 WILL Deputy Counsel, Dan Lennington, stated, “No one is above the law, not even the FBI. WILL is proud to stand with hardworking journalists at The Star News Network, who are demanding information related to the recent mass shooting in Nashville. Today’s administrative appeal is just the first step, and we will exhaust all legal options to seek information that belongs to the public.”

📰 Read this news in The Star News Network or The Center Square.

🎙 Listen to Dan Lennington's interview on the WSAU Feedback podcast, The Tennessee Star Report podcast, or tune in to Matt Kittle's segment with Dan.

📺 Watch Lucas Vebber's interview on the Wisconsin Right Now podcast, or listen The Vicki McKenna Show.

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UPDATE | Riley Gaines Reacts to WILL's Work

WILL is proud to stand with girls and women against the Biden Administration's attack on Title IX, and the failure of leadership by Sun Prairie Area School District. 

Independent Women's Forum Spokeswoman and 12x All-American swimmer, Riley Gaines, reacts to our public letter to the District.

🗯 "It's mind-blowing and it's becoming more and more common.... It's happening all across the country, to girls and women of all ages, all sports, all divisions, and it's a travesty, really."

⚖️ Learn more about WILL's legal action here.

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NEW | WILL Comments on Rep. Gallagher's Financial Literacy Bill

WILL Director of Education Policy, Libby Sobic, commented on Rep. Mike Gallagher's Student Empowerment and Financial Literacy Act, a bill that would create a grant program within the Department of Education to promote financial literacy programs in K-12 schools.

🗯 "Handling money and managing finances is a critical skill that is woefully underemphasized in our schools. Representative Gallagher's bill would provide a jumpstart to schools looking to create or supplement existing courses to ensure students have the opportunity to learn the basics of financial literacy."

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NEW | WILL Testifies in Support for Flat Individual Income Tax Rate

WILL Policy Director, Kyle Koenen, testified in support for Senate Bill 1 last Tuesday.

🗯 "SB 1 provides an opportunity for Wisconsin to take a significant step towards becoming a more economically competitive state. Lowering the overall tax burden… can make the state more attractive to businesses and individuals, leading to increased economic growth and job creation."

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