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Hi John, it’s Mark Ruffalo. Today, I want to tell you about the leader I believe Philadelphia needs as its next mayor: Helen Gym.

I’m supporting Helen because climate change and environmental injustice are the great crises of our time, and dire issues require urgent, transformative solutions. In this race, Helen is the only candidate with the vision and follow-through to rise to this moment.

Only Helen has introduced a Green New Deal for Philadelphia Schools. As Mayor, she’ll transform toxic, dilapidated classrooms into safe and green places for kids to learn by modernizing facilities, creating good-paying union jobs for students, and revitalizing neighborhood schools.

She’ll make traveling to and from school safer and greener, too. Helen has plans to provide free public transit to students, electrify more vehicles, and provide needed services (like more crossing guards and public safety monitors) along kids’ routes to and from school.

And Philadelphians can rely on Helen to do what she says. She has been taking on big fights and delivering real solutions for decades — like when she organized parents, faculty, and local leaders to ensure safe drinking water in every public school.

Our children and teachers deserve drinkable water, safe classrooms, and a sustainable future worth fighting for. That makes Helen Gym the right choice for Philadelphia’s next Mayor.

John, if you’re with Helen, too, please join me in supporting her by chipping in $5, $10, $20.23, or whatever you can spare to support her. With so many candidates and so little time left in this race, every vote and every dollar matters.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,
Mark Ruffalo
Actor & Activist