8 unusual signs your body is stressed
An expert shares a few less-known side effects that may surprise you.

Consulting the internet for health concerns? Read this.
Consulting the internet for health concerns? Read this.
Some of the most popular sources of health information may not be the most reliable.
How uterine fibroids are treated
How uterine fibroids are treated
About 50% of people with a uterus may develop fibroids at some point in their lives.
Bariatric surgery patient shares her recipe for success
Bariatric surgery patient shares her recipe for success
After losing over 150 pounds, Cheryl Steffen has become the go-to person for advice and recipes.
Quinoa-crusted chicken parmesan
Quinoa-crusted chicken parmesan
Breadcrumbs are swapped for quinoa for a healthy take on the classic recipe. Serve with a mixed green salad with red-wine vinaigrette.

Doc's Three Tips
Hand washing tips
Dr. Maryana Yevtukh
Use warm running water to wet your hands. Apply soap all over your hands and under your fingernails.
Rub your hands vigorously for at least 20 seconds. If it helps, you can hum the “Happy Birthday” song twice.
Rinse your hands well, then dry them with a clean towel or automatic hand dryer.

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Monday Musings
Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau, French Philosopher