America can’t afford four more years of failed leadership – we need your help


As hard working Americans like YOU watch this far-Left administration make a mockery of the United States – it’s hard to make sense of how our elected leaders could be so out of touch.

Biden says he plans on running in 2024

Source: The Hill

Our country has been in a downward spiral since Joe Biden took office in 2021 – yet he thinks the American people want to endure four more years of his feckless leadership.

And even with the Left breaking fundraising records during the first quarter of this year, we can’t forget that it is our DUTY to defeat them for the betterment of America.

So, Friend, will you help us catch up to the radical Left by making a contribution so we can reach our end-of-month goal? No matter the amount, your generosity will help Republicans BEAT JOE BIDEN in 2024.







Thank you,

Thom Tillis
U.S. Senator - North Carolina

Paid for by the Thom Tillis Committee

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