March/April 2023

Big Compensation Gains in
San Francisco Tied to COVID-19

The United Administrators of San Francisco (UASF), AFSA Local 3, has won a 6% pay increase retroactive to July 1, 2022. Each UASF member received last month a lump-sum back paycheck to catch up with the regular payroll schedule. Read more.


Educators, Line-of-Duty
Deaths Remembered

The door had just opened on the National Memorial to Fallen Educators, and a group of teachers, administrators and school staff from all over the country gathered to pay their respects to those who had dedicated their lives to education. Read more.


Alarming Working Conditions 


Assistant Principals:
The Backbone of Our Schools

Many assistant principals wouldn’t trade their role for anything. Those who do move on usually recall their AP days with nostalgia.  Their most poignant memories come from then. The same is true of me when I recall being an AP at Barringer Preparatory School in Newark, New Jersey.  Read more.


Celebrating AFSA Members


AFSA Opposes School Voucher Plan

Working on Capitol Hill in March, AFSA’s legislative team strongly opposed Rep. Chip Roy’s (R-Texas) proposed school voucher amendment tied to H.R. 5, also known as the "Parental Rights and Quality Improvement Act" or the "Parents' Bill of Rights." The proposed legislation seeks to protect the rights of parents in the education and upbringing of their children. Read more.


Increase Students’ Access to AEDs

The Access to AEDs Act is a bipartisan bill that directs the secretary of the Health and Human Services Department to award grants to elementary and secondary schools partnered with a nonprofit health care organization to develop and implement a comprehensive program to promote defibrillation access. Read more.