Dan Taxation Is Theft Behrman
Become the Solution
If 50% of people had their car break down in a six-month period, they'd probably be pretty upset.

I’m going to introduce you to a problem you may not be aware of, then offer you the chance to be a part of the solution.

The mission at The Mobility Independence Foundation is to empower the physically disabled with better mobility equipment, enabling them to live life on their terms.

Inadequate mobility equipment and systemic issues hinder the lives of millions of physically disabled individuals. The situation is dire, and we must do something about it. Better equipment could make all the difference. We can send a robot to Mars that lasts 14 years, but roughly half of wheelchairs break down every six months. Veterans, who are more likely to seek an active lifestyle, have an even higher rate of wheelchair breakdown. This is unacceptable.

The issue is personal to to a very close friend of mine, Tom Quiter. He has been in many wheelchairs, several of which have been dangerous and caused severe injuries. One of them, the Quickie P300, was billed as an outdoor chair for children, but after using it for just three months, the wheel fell off, and he sustained over a hundred fractures. This resulted in a multi-faceted lawsuit against three companies. He also learned that in the early 90s in NY, the injuries of a disabled child held less compensation value.

Many others suffer from the same issues. Individuals with inadequate equipment, unwillingness to take risks, or financial constraints are simply left with the third option of staying home. They have been locked down for far too long, and it is time to reopen life for them.

The physically disabled need, deserve, and downright demand their own mobility-confidence.

That is why The Mobility Independence Foundation is launching a peer-to-peer fundraiser to raise funds for better mobility equipment. The equipment will make a significant difference in the lives of those who receive it, enabling them to live independently and confidently.

This is where peer-to-peer fundraising can make a significant impact. By leveraging your social networks and community, we can raise awareness of these issues and generate much-needed funds to provide better mobility equipment to those who need it. With your help, we can empower individuals to live more independently and participate fully in their communities.

I am asking you to join in this effort by participating in a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign with the Mobility Independence Foundation.

Your support can make all the difference in the world.

Thank you for considering this request. Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of many individuals and create a more inclusive society.

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Taxation Is Theft

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In Liberty,
Dan Taxation Is Theft Behrman

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Dan Taxation Is Theft Behrman