Powerful collective action is the key to change.
The Big One at Houses of Parliament 21-24 April

Hi John

Humanity is on its last warning. The IPPC report published in March1?says global heating is likely to exceed 1.5 degrees but there is a small and rapidly closing window to limit the damage.

The key to change? Collective action, of course.?

If anyone knows the impact of what collective action can achieve it's XR. It's you. Your donation today is in urgent need.?


It may seem far reaching, but time is ticking. The work is now, change is critical. You can make a lasting mark at this tipping point.

The unity shown during The Big One is so powerful. We need your gift to continue this collective work.


Government must take vital steps to prevent the worst of the climate crisis. We cannot afford to be failed by their inaction and greed. Full stop.

Today is the last day of The Big One. Will you act??


We're in this together. #ThisIsTheWork #UniteToSurvive


XR Fundraising

1?Summary of IPCC report

This is the work banner - crowds at The Big One

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