

This week, Senator Rubio and I introduced The Restore Public Health Institution Trust Act—a bill that will investigate the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) messaging on unscientific mask and vaccine mandates. The CDC has lost the trust of the public, and now they refuse to say how they collected their data during COVID. This bill requires the CDC to answer. 

I also led a letter with Sen. Thom Tillis urging the Senate Rules Committee and the Committee on House Administration to stop lawmakers from using TikTok in their official capacity, and received support from President Trump for Rep. Mike Waltz and I's Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) against the Mexican drug cartels. Both TikTok and the Mexican drug cartels are national security threats, and it's time every lawmaker treats them as such.

During the week I also spoke at two Energy and Commerce Committee hearings to emphasize the importance of direct primary care, and to push for more oversight of unaccompanied minors at the southern border.





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President Trump Supports AUMF


I’m grateful for President Trump calling attention to my bill to authorize the use of military force against Mexican drug cartels. The Trump Administration had the strongest border security policies we’ve ever seen – and they worked. He understands the dire threat from the Mexican drug cartels that have operational control of our southern border. An AUMF is the most effective way to solve the deadly fentanyl crisis plaguing our nation because it sends a clear message to the cartels: eliminate fentanyl or we are coming for you. If you recognize the cartels as the national security threat they are, call your representative and urge them to support my legislation.


TikTok Is a Weapon of the CCP


Either Democrats are completely oblivious or they’re purposely ignoring what they already know—TikTok is a dangerous form of Chinese spyware that’s a grave security threat for American users. Some Democrats try to compare TikTok to apps like Facebook and Instagram, but the difference is glaring. Members of Congress are using this CCP-controlled app in their official capacity, in their offices, in the Capitol, using official resources. They’re welcoming China to access their data, and they’re encouraging their constituents to put themselves at risk. That’s why Sen. Thom Tillis and I led a letter urging the Senate Rules Committee and the Committee on House Administration to stop lawmakers from using this app in their official capacity. If these Democrats won’t listen the warnings, we need to take decisive action.


The Restore Public Health Institution Trust Act


This week I introduced The Restore Public Health Institution Trust Act, which will open an investigation into the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) messaging on unscientific mask and vaccine mandates. The CDC has failed to justify these decisions with clinical data and repeatedly claimed that COVID has caused widespread pediatric deaths. This dishonesty is exactly why Americans have lost their trust in institutions like the CDC. Now, the CDC is facing questions about how they collected this data, but instead of answering them, they’re doubling down. The British Journal of Medicine even published an article outlining the CDC’s flawed tracker overcount (it’s worth a read). The CDC Data Tracker is based on the surveillance data. Any hospital patient with a positive COVID result would create a case report—even a patient who died of head trauma, for example. The Data Tracker, when compared to the CDC’s death certificate data, is overstating pediatric deaths by over 40%. For the school-aged 5–11-year-old age group, the difference in overreporting for COVID deaths is even more aggressive –  90%. That’s huge— and unacceptable. This flawed data was their justification for their ludicrous recommendation that children wear masks in our schools. We need actual clinical evidence, and I won’t stop until the CDC gives us answers. This bill requires the CDC to provide those answers to the American people.


This Is Why You Need Direct Primary Care


Choice, competition, and transparency are tools we have to drive down health care costs, but we haven’t deployed them correctly. Our health care is extraordinarily complex, and we need more care options for all Americans. With Direct Primary Care (DPC) you can pay an affordable, transparent, monthly fee for a primary-care doctor (independent of insurance) without extra charges for visits. It’s essentially a subscription for health care – one that is already price transparent – and it seems to be exactly what Americans want: control over their care decisions with a trusted doctor of their choice.



Blood Cobalt from the Congo | Siddharth Kara


A human rights and environmental catastrophe is happening right now, and it’s powering everything from smart phones to electric car batteries. Siddharth Kara joins me to expose how China is using modern day slaves, including children, to turn a small patch of the Congo into the world’s largest cobalt mining operation. Listen now on Apple, Spotify, and YouTube.


A Tale of Two Tax Codes: The Fair Tax Debate | John Cochrane and Grover Norquist


Tax season is here, and as we subject ourselves to this perennial torture it begs the question: is there a better way to raise the money we need to fund the government without the massive compliance costs and inefficiencies? Two tax and economics experts, John Cochrane and Grover Norquist, join me to answer that question. Listen now on Apple, Spotify, and YouTube.


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Fox News: First on Fox – Dan Crenshaw, Marco Rubio introduce bill demanding answers from CDC on coronavirus policy

Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, and Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., have introduced the bicameral "Restore Public Health Institution Trust Act," demanding answers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on its policies during the coronavirus pandemic. 


Breitbart: Exclusive – Trump Endorses Using Military to Crush Cartels: ‘I Would Do That’

Former President Donald Trump told Breitbart News exclusively that he supports a proposal from Reps. Michael Waltz (R-FL) and Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) that would authorize the use of military force against Mexican drug cartels to target the criminal enterprises and dismantle them.


Washington Examiner: Thom Tillis and Dan Crenshaw lead new GOP effort to ban TikTok

Congressional Republicans are leading a new effort to encourage Congress to ban the use of the social media platform TikTok due to possible security threats. Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) and Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) led a coalition of 17 Republicans who urged the Senate Rules Committee and the Committee on House Administration to block fellow members of Congress from using TikTok in a letter sent on Monday.


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