Hi, John

This is Ike McCorkle, retired Marine Corps Officer, Purple Heart recipient and proud father of four. The only way to pass legislation to end the epidemic levels of gun violence in our country is to take back the House!

I will never forget that day! As a combat wounded retired Reconnaissance Marine I have seen what these firearms, these weapons of war, do to the human body. I was terrified for my son, the teachers and kids at his school. The feeling of helplessness can be more intense than any combat.

I was volunteering at Candi C DeBaca’s campaign office that day where a good friend of mine, Tyler, was working on the campaign. I had just registered an exploratory committee to run for Congress in Colorado’s Congressional District Four. My friend Tyler was teaching me to use my campaign’s voter access network account. I had just finished talking with a voter that had already turned in their ballot. Was starting to dial the next number when my phone buzzed. I will never forget the sinking hollow feeling when I read that message, “Shots fired at STEM Highlands Ranch.”

Prior to the shooting, I would show up at STEM a few minutes early everyday for pick up. I sat on the railing out-front of the school waiting for my son Isaac Jr. after the bell. I didn’t know it at the time but a young man named Kendrick Castillo whom walked past me and warmly greeted me every day in passing had already lost his life. I didn’t know if my son was a victim. I drove towards the school from the campaign office and texted Isaac Jr.’s mother the message.

For the year prior to the shooting at STEM I had been advocating and showing up with Mom’s Demand Action. I was terrified that a shooting could happen at one of my kid’s schools. As a Recon Marine and Officer I have done security and force protection all over the world, at embassies and government buildings. There is a major lack of security and protocols at most American schools. This combined with a society where firearms and ammunition are accessible to kids make these shootings an inevitability.

Security at my children’s schools is largely no different than it was 20 years ago when Tom Mauser lost his son Daniel at Columbine.

I helped organize a “town hall to save our lives” in Castle Rock where Tom Mauser who lost his son Daniel at Columbine spoke.

I am still frustrated with our representative’s lack of action. Congressman Ken Buck was and still is accepting max contribution (bribes) from the NRA. In 2019, I designed the meme below not knowing that the next shooting would be at my son’s school.

Unfortunately, Ken Buck is still serving as the “Representative” for Congressional District Four… That’s why I am asking you directly to support my 100% grassroots funded campaign to unseat this right wing apologist from the US House.

We cannot trust Congressman Buck, he is a bought and paid for spokesman for the NRA.

It's time for common sense and safety!

Firearms are the Leading Cause of Death for Children in the United States But Rank No Higher Than Fifth in Other Industrialized Nations.

We need to take major steps in order to address the epidemic of gun violence and firearm deaths in the United States! Everyone wants to reduce firearm injuries and death and there are some very effective ways to accomplish this with legislation that could gain bipartisan support.

Just like Shannon Watts says, we need to make progress wherever and whenever we can! The progress we made on the bi-partisan Safer Communities Act is proof that we can and should continue to push common sense legislation.

That is why I believe in order to reduce access and gun violence we need a line item approach in Congress.

These immediate line item measures should pursued:

  1. A National Safe Storage Act with subsidies for owners to purchase federally standardized appropriate storage. This would prevent children from accidentally shooting each other. It would prevent children from carrying improperly stored firearms to school. This should be submitted as a line item bill in the 118th/119th Congress.

  2. Federal Universal Background Check with a completion for transfer stipulation.

  3. Federal Requirement for a minimum three day waiting period to purchase a firearm.

  4. Federal standardization of Extreme Risk Protection Order criteria and requirements.

  5. Federal weapon-specific Training, Education and Qualification Requirements for purchase.

  6. Federal Licensure for certain types of firearms similar to the Federal Firearms Licensure requirements.

Guns – including accidental deaths, suicides, and homicides – killed 4,357 children (ages 1-19 years old) in the United States in 2020, or roughly 5.6 per 100,000 children!

Federal standardization of the above common sense measures would work to drastically reduce firearm injuries in the United States. They should be pursued by a bi-partisan coalition that can floor them for consideration in the House and Senate. I am happy that STEM Highlands Ranch is installing AI enhanced metal detectors just like Parkland High did.

Protecting our children and schools from senseless acts of violence must be made priority number one.

The only way to pass legislation to end the epidemic levels of gun violence in our country is to take back the House! We are pushing to raise $4357 by the end of the week!

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We desperately need leadership that can bring divided factions in Congress together and push forward action on this critical issue. I promise to build the bipartisan support needed to champion these efforts in the US House.

Semper Fi

Ike McCorkle

Combat Wounded

USMC Retired