
Here’s a crazy number, team: $900,000

That’s what our opponents are spending to defeat Ground Game’s initiative in San Antonio, the FIRST abortion initiative in Texas since Roe was overturned.

First they tried to take us to court to block our initiative—and we won. Now they’re spending millions of dollars to spread lies and defeat it on the ballot. 

Across the country, voters continue to defeat attacks on abortion on the ballot. Now it’s Texas’s turn. Can you chip in $25, or whatever you can, to help us pass the first abortion rights initiative in Texas since Roe was overturned?

Chip In! >>

Team, it’s so critical we pass this initiative. From the midterm elections, to the recent Wisconsin Supreme Court race, voters continue to defeat attacks on abortion and protect reproductive rights. 

But Texans haven’t had a chance to fight back on the ballot. Until now. Ground Game Texas’s San Antonio Justice Charter would decriminalize abortion—meaning no resources could be used to harass Texans for abortion “crimes.”

If you can, chip in $25 to help us Get Out The Vote and pass our initiative to decriminalize abortion. It’s time for Texans to stand up and protect our rights.

Thank you,

Ground Game Texas