Americans across the country are right to be appalled at the politically motivated prosecution of former President Donald Trump.
Let me be clear where I stand - this stunt is a stunning abuse of prosecutorial power, and restoring faith in the rule of law is more important than ever.

No one and no party should be gleeful at the stark weaponization of our judicial system, yet radical liberals can hardly contain their excitement. Nancy Pelosi believes President Trump is already guilty!
That defendants are innocent until proven guilty is a fundamental aspect of our American legal system. Yet political activist prosecutors and radical leftists believe it doesn't apply to their opponents, and in doing so they set a dangerous precedent for not just President Trump, but the rights of all Americans.

Today may very well be a turning point in the history of our nation. Will we let political retribution through our court system become the new norm, or will we fight back?

Conservatives like you and me can't sit idly by while American institutions are torn down bit by bit. I'll fight with House Republican leaders to repair trust in the rule of law and keep politically motivated prosecutors out of our courtrooms, but I need your help.

Will you contribute to our campaign and help us restore faith in American democracy? $50, $25 or even $10 will help!
Thank you for your help. I'm as troubled by today's events as you are, but when we come together as Americans we can send a message that the rule of law will not be twisted to fit a political agenda!


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