
Hi John,

It’s the first week of April for the #TxLege session, which means Mothers Against Greg Abbott is right in the thick of it — fighting for Texas families and holding the TX GOP accountable.

Mothers Against Greg Abbott has made this legislative session one of our top organizational priorities — and everyone has taken notice of our grassroots action.

A quote from the Lonestar Left substack newsletter recognizing Mothers Against Greg Abbott for showing up for grassroots action in the Lege

We can’t stop now; this week, we need you more than ever. Here’s a rundown of our top priorities for the first week of April.

a poster for a call to action for house community safety select committee gun safety bills + a vote on HB1

Thanks for being here. Whether you help this week by getting the word out, sending in a public comment, calling or emailing your representative and demanding they take action, or coming to testify at the State House in person — every action has an impact and we’re doing this.

Together, we can show the GOP that they can’t mess with Texas public schools and that Texas families count.

Nancy Thompson
Mothers Against Greg Abbott

Donate $15 now to help fuel the fight!

May 4th - Lobby Day

We will be descending on the Texas Capitol on May 4th for the second annual Mothers Against Greg Abbott Lobby Day. We are still working through the details, but please save the date!!

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