For Palestinian Land Day, I'm re-sending this still-ongoing urgent appeal we recently shared. Please consider standing for justice in Palestine and commemorating this important day.

— Chung-Wha Hong
Executive Director

Hi Friend,

“Worst settler violence in decades.” “[O]ne of the most intense episodes of settler-led violence in memory.” “A year with the deadliest start in the West Bank since 2000.”¹

These quotes from Western news media paint a grim picture of Palestine today, especially after some 400 Israeli settlers led a campaign of violence against Palestinians the last week of February. Videos show Israeli soldiers standing by as settlers committed the arson and assaults. All told, settlers burned at least 200 buildings (plus cars) in four Palestinian villages and killed at least one Palestinian. Since January 1, Israeli soldiers and settlers have killed at least 67 Palestinians, including 13 children.²

I know you care about human rights, the right of people to stay in their homes, and the relationship that people have with the land, water, territories, and the earth. You’re part of the Grassroots International community for a reason. So, how can we put those values into practice today, given these escalating assaults?

The new extreme far-right Israeli government is giving a green light to settler street violence. The “pogrom” at the end of February (as an Israeli general called it)³ comes on the heels of nightly military raids, home demolitions, and a call from ministers to strip Palestinians inside Israel of Israeli citizenship. All of this is connected to one thing. The government is pushing forward a plan to rapidly expand settlements in the West Bank — and one of their explicit targets is the village of Masafer Yatta.

I was supposed to visit the village south of Hebron recently while on a delegation to the West Bank. But we had to turn around when the Israeli military blockaded the entire village, preventing anyone from entering or leaving. The reason? Village youths were holding a protest against the continued demolition of their homes and school. (Think about that: the military stands aside to let settlers commit violence, but shuts down a whole town due to a civil protest by teenagers.)

With their homes destroyed, Masafer Yatta’s residents have had to resort to living in the nearby caves. Their calls for justice have been joined by our partners, international solidarity activists, and other civil society groups organizing communities in the area. But just recently, all 1,000 villagers were notified they would soon receive demolition and eviction orders. This is one example of how the struggle for Palestinian rights and land is reaching a critical moment.

We’re raising money in solidarity with Masafer Yatta and other Palestinian communities’ unyielding stand against violence and dispossession. Will you join us in this effort to create homes for displaced families, to support the ongoing campaign against home demolitions, and to stand for justice in Palestine?

These are dangerous times in Palestine, but solidarity can make the difference. Your values, and action, are appreciated.

In solidarity,

Digital Communications Coordinator

[1] New York Times, “Revenge Attacks After Killing of Israeli Settlers Leave West Bank in Turmoil,” Feb. 27, 2023; Al Jazeera, “Rampaging Israeli settlers burn Palestinian homes, cars in Nablus,” Feb 27, 2023.

[2] Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, “Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Weekly Update 23 February- 01 March 2023),” March 2, 2023.

[3] Times of Israel, “Settler extremists are sowing terror, Huwara riot was a ‘pogrom,’ top general says,” Feb 28, 2023.


Grassroots International
179 Boylston Street, 4th Floor  | Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 02130
(617) 524-1400 | [email protected]

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